Friday, January 11, 2008

Longest run (probably of my entire life)

I'm awesome.

Ran 45 minutes (no that is not a typo)
1 minute stretch
Walked 12 minutes

Ran 3.6 miles
Walked 0.7 miles

When running: 12:30

So it's a slow pace, but I ran freaking 3.6 miles and I ran for freaking 45 minutes only stopping to stretch. I mean, where the hell did that come from?

And to think I almost didn't go. The thing that motivated me to get off the couch: remembering I had set a goal to run 3 or 4 times this week. I had only run twice so far and am not sure about tomorrow. So I had to run today. I'm so happy I did.

Other items of interest:
-I was the annoying jogger on a curvy road with almost no shoulder. I tried very hard to be a smart, out of the way runner.
-Campus police were driving down the road my trail follows. Nice to know they're out there.
-M said I looked hot in my running outfit :)

Week Total: 6.5


Ellen Mae said...

Hi! Thanks for commenting. I totally agree...the shopping and buying stuff for running can be a motivational factor to actually run. I actually buy stuff throughout the year to keep me at it as well. Good luck with your training as well! Keep it up! Don't worry so much about the mileage in the beginning. What's more important is that you keep running time wise. If you can run for 3 hours you'll be set for the half marathon.

-Ellen Mae

grace said...

ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hahahaha!
'no that is not a typo'!

i can't believe you ran that much! good for you! :)