Thursday, November 15, 2007

shin splints grrr#$%^*!!!

So I was running last night and it hurt so freaking bad. Like burning in my lower left shin. I wanted to die. Not happy. J and I only ran 15 minutes. Had dinner with M and we decided it sounds like shin splints. Ran into his sister at dinner who had shin splints when she played soccer. She described it as "this burning" in your shin. Which is exactly how I described it. AWESOME.

So basically I feel like I need to take it easy the next few days. I wish I had access to the gym so I could at least do some cardio on a bike or the elliptical. I think I'm gonna have to break down and join a town gym. Ugh.

I'm getting new shoes over Thanksgiving when I'm home. I think that will really actually help. My whole routine is just gonna have to be changed now, I guess. Like I'm gonna have to back off on some of the times and start with fewer this time. M talked to me about how I step when I run. I really have no idea, but I need to focus on that. And then there are specific stretches for shin splints. I'm gonna have to add those to the stretching I already do.

I do not have time for this and am very unhappy about it. Lame. Laaaaaame. LAME! Super lame.

Oh and it's snowing today. I'm not ready for that kind of cold!

Not happy.

Not at all.