Wednesday, January 30, 2008

H-M TD 02, 03, 04

Monday (TD 02) ran 3 miles on my current trail/route of choice. Time was about 35 minutes and pace about 11:39. My knee hurt pretty bad after that run.

Tuesday (TD 03) rest day. My knee still hurt a little but by the evening it was fine. M and I looked at camelbak water bags online. I want the kind that goes around your lower back/butt. M is convinced that is a bad choice and I should get a back pack. No thanks, I want the jiggly butt one.

Wednesday (TD 04) 2 mile run or cross train. Since I currently have no where to cross train, I ran 2 miles. I kept telling myself "it's just 2 miles". And it was, except that it was so cold this evening that it was hard to breathe at first. My eyes water and my nose ran and my face was so cold for the first 5 minutes. After the warm up I started feeling great! Time: 20:10!! That's a 10:08 pace!! I was super excited about that.

M is supposed to help me come up with a little strength training guide so I can do that part of my training schedule. Tomorrow I'm supposed to run 3 miles and strengthen. Wish me luck!!


C McQuate said...

Awesome good job! I am dying from working out 3 days in a row haha. It confuses me that we are doing different things since you changed the schedule up a bit! ;) Oh definitely do not want a backpak one, the butt one is SOO much better for running!

C McQuate said...

p.s. if you are not doing this already: ice your knees right after you run for about 15 minutes. (even if it didn't hurt during that particular run!) Then right before you go to bed, put some heat on them for about 15 min.

It's helping to keep my knee pain at bay...

Anonymous said...

And do lots of quad stretches! :) when you do that stretch with one leg bent behind you, push your shoestrings into the hand that's holding your foot. it pushes the stretch lower into your quad and it feels soo good. an aerobics teacher taught me that and it really helps (me at least).

cool blog! i'm glad i found you (via christa obv)

Anonymous said...

p.s. my last name's attkisson, haha. i can't tell if you can tell from my post and i didn't want to make you paranoid.