Tuesday, November 20, 2007

running... what?

So I haven't gone running since last Wednesday. I'm kinda thrown off by the shin splints and am not 100% sure what to do. I've gotten a lot of advice and I want to try it all, but I also feel like I should wait for the new shoes since I think they will help with everything. It's also getting real cold -- and I'm not ready for that.

But, M keeps telling me about how crazy his schedule is getting with all his onsite interviews and it's depressing me. So I need to start running again to get my mind off it. And I think it will help me stay level-headed.

I'm going home for Thanksgiving and getting my new shoes and hanging out with the fam... When I get back I'm going to start a new schedule. Not sure what the schedule will be like, b/c I'm pretty sure I'll have to build back up to where I was. Ugh. Shin splints are not cool. They hurt. A lot.


But I'm really gonna conquer this annoying stuff.

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