Friday, February 1, 2008

H-M TD 06

Cross training day. Good thing too because we had freezing rain and ice last night so everything was all slushy and wet and gross.

I was M's guest at the campus gym since I'm old and no longer a student. Rode the bike for 30 minutes while M erged. 6.4 miles at a moderate pace I guess. Wasn't killer but wasn't easy either. Then M showed me how to erg. It's... interesting. Not sure I could do it again on my own without him showing me the right form again first.

Ready for the long run tomorrow... 4 miles. M and I are thinking about a 4 mile hike. I know it's not the same, but it's gotta be kinda close to it and it's better than doing nothing. We'll see. I may end up just doing the run.

Week 1 almost done!!

PS I'm sore